Lubricants are the Lifeblood of an Engine

The Technical Association of the European Lubricants Industry (ATIEL)

ATIEL is a non for profit association (ASBL) representing the combined knowledge and experience of leading European and international engine oil manufacturers and marketers.

ATIEL is also the technical and innovative hub of the manufacturers, the developers, and marketers in the European Lubricants industry. By drawing on the technical know-how of its membership, ATIEL promotes consensus on key technical, product stewardship and sustainability issues. It ensures that engine oils continue to contribute to improved wear protection, deposit control, lower emissions and fuel economy CO2 emissions reduction.



ATIEL and UEIL – Methodology for Product Carbon Footprint (PCFs) for Lubricants and other specialities

EELQMS is a quality management system for automotive engine lubricants. It has been developed jointly by ACEA, ATC and ATIEL. The system is administered by SAIL (Services to Associations and Industry in the Lubricants sector). It is designed to assist lubricant marketers in assuring the quality of their lubricants and the performance claims being made for them in the marketplace.


ACEA European Oil Sequences cover light duty passenger cars & heavy-duty trucks.

They define the minimum quality level of a product for presentation to ACEA members. Individual member companies may indicate performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits.

Code of practice

The ATIEL Code of Practice (CoP)-in operation since 1996 – has been developed jointly by the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA), the Additives Technical Committee (ATC) and ATIEL. The purpose of this Code is to provide a mechanism and a basis for commitment to standardise practices when developing, marketing, or manufacturing engine lubricants for which compliance with the ACEA Oil Sequences is claimed.

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EELQMS (The European Engine Lubricant Quality Management System)

EELQMS is a quality management system for automotive engine lubricants. It has been developed jointly by ACEA, ATC and ATIEL. The system is administered by SAIL (Services to Associations and Industry in the Lubricants sector). It is designed to assist lubricant marketers in assuring the quality of their lubricants and the performance claims being made for them in the marketplace.

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Conference Partnerships